I just love taking pictures of my kids. My [eldest] son is quite the ham in front of the camera and we often enjoy putting the camera on timer and taking multiple photos in front of it to see how silly we look. This is a montage of some of that recent activity!!
To see another montage of mother and son go to https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEiYt9nExbcArlfi6r7JkHQ5yh6Ok9hIUcRuUdYNiIuSDyL7tgu1dUVVXw4IuJoTzk_Ir2Oz7FHli3J6nZrSa1msMkeF-6wdFGi_nhctm0Gz0DPqzrPYWR1RniEmc0_XDwfqnlBzKJ91pvMB/s1600-h/KitchenSign.jpg this one I have hanging above my kitchen window (10"x30") I LOVE IT! And if he ever wonders if I did anything with him...these photos will be PROOF!